Monday, August 16, 2010

Still Convalescing

I had several major concerns when I started walking again on Friday- would it be harder some days than others, would it take long to build up strength, and how hard will being on campus all day be when school starts next week?

So far it is not harder some days than others- it is about evenly difficult every day so far regardless of how the previous day went. When I first get up, whether it be from bed in the morning or from briefly sitting at my desk, the first two or three steps are the hardest, and then it lessens to a bearable soreness.

Building up strength is actually a lot easier than I thought- on Friday I barely made it the 30 yards to the GRE testing room. By Sunday I could vaccuum. Today I ran two hours of errands back to back with no break and no problems. I'm figuring if I continue at this rate I'll be able to go on the day trip up to Santa Fe (chaffeuring a friend to a job interview, and we're going to play tourist too even though we live nearby in Albuquerque and either stroll in the plaza or go to a museum like the Georgia O'Keeffe one) this week without any problems. School, which usually happens sitting down, shouldn't be a problem.

Mostly I just wanted to be able to brag about how I went back to school shopping and didn't have to take anyone with with me to open doors or carry things. I did it myself!

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