Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 13 post-surgery

Mostly due to the physical therapy, there's been a lot of improvement in general strength and flexibility in my ankle, although I still have a long way to go. They currently have me doing a lot of theraband activities, the total gym (the machine where you go from squat position to standing position by pushing against the footboard with your legs), the stationary bike, foot pumping (sort of like paddling but with only feet), these horrible ab thrust things, and an occasional massage.

They're starting to add more strengthening exercises- my archnemesis the Wobble Board's evil cousin Wobble Pad Thing appeared Monday in a balance exercise that my ankle still hurts from over a day later.
Someday I'll have my revenge, wobble board.

There will be new exercises tomorrow, which will not be fun and probably involve more of the wobble board. I was never good at it fully healthy, let alone recoving from surgery, so hopefully something will happen and I suddenly develop fabulous balance.

My sessions are still going pretty long- the average is an hour and a half, over a week in. Unfortunately I keep having to cram everything into one hour so I'm not late for school, but on Fridays I can take my time and thoroughly do everything they want. I have 2ish more weeks of going 3 times a week, and then my doctor will either bump it down to 1 or 2 or graduate me entirely (I'm betting on being there awhile longer).

Hopefully I'll be able to start riding my bike again by October, and my dad (who rode all over town when he was out here during my surgery recovery) told me about a few flat paths that would be easy to start on until I knew how my ankle did. Generally it doesn't get too cold for outdoor activities until mid-November here, so I'd have a good month or so before winter sets in to work out outdoors, then once it does I'll start going to the indoor gym again and lose that weight I've packed on!

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