Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 12 Part 1

I've got a photo finally to show some of the progress. The swelling is still there but a lot less so. The swelling at my ankle, though more or less the same size, is a lot softer than before (it had been hard before and not fond of massage- there must have been a ton of scar tissue). The part of my foot above my toes is still a little swollen too, but that should hopefully go away as I use my foot more. My PT homework is probably helping- I have been noticing a moderate increase in my range of movement, although based on the amount of fixing my ankle had to endure the doctor and therapist both say it probably won't ever be as flexible as my left again. Oh well. I'll take what I can.

This week is my final week in the boot before moving permanently back to regular shoes, while in PT this week I will be practicing walking with my tennis shoes in preparation. My foot is very stiff and not flexible, but it doesn't hurt when I walk without my boot (barefoot) so I suppose I'm as ready to lose the training wheels as I will be. Tuesday is PT session #2, and they are already going to start me in my tennis shoes on machinery like the treadmill and elliptical (but still end with a good massage to help with the soreness and swelling).
So talk to you then.

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