Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A momentous day

Today, for the first time in about two months, my ankle bone sticks out slightly further than the swelling. My poofy discolored foot is beginning to look like a healthy normal foot again- still swollen, but significantly less so. The weird tender spot is just as tender as normal, but I'll take whatever small victories I can get.

Yesterday I skipped my little exercises I'm supposed to do, but today I did them- my range hasn't really improved but at least it moved some at all. I'm HEALING.

To celebrate this, I drove myself (with my left foot) to Starbucks and indulged in an overpriced frappuccino and coffee cake, which was also marvellous since I hadn't driven for about a month and a half until today. And then, because I was still feeling good even after studying GRE quantitative stuff (something to look forward to this fall, dealing with graduate school applications) and my ankle wasn't hurting, I went to the bank too since I've needed to deposite a check for almost a month.

And now for something completely different, I've started playing World of Warcraft again, since I can't do normal summer activities like riding my bike or hiking. It's a very addicting game, so I only play it during holiday breaks between semesters, but it's also a good way to pass time until I can walk again. I'm very tired of reading and movies, having read around 15 books in the last month and watched too many movies to count. So I'm doing Quests instead.

I'll post a photo of my slightly emerging ankle bone (rising majestically like a hill in the plains of swollen foot) later. For now I have trolls to kill and realms to explore, and my other blog to update.

Edit (later on, same day)
Told you there would be photos. This is the same photo, without and then with added commentary.


  1. My scar is tender right now in the same spot, now that I am walking alot more. Just wanted to let you know that the first place I snuck to driving, was Starbucks! LOL Are you sure we are like soul sisters or something??? HAHAHA.. :D

  2. We could be. I highly value coffee that other people make for me.
    That weird tender spot has a faint scar line on it that wasn't there before the surgery, so I'm thinking that may be part of it that just healed really fast or something like an inch at the other end did. Scar-healing should be a sport.
