Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Shoes!

I've finally had it hammered into my head after all this ankle stuff this year how important proper footwear is, and how a $20 department store shoe simply isn't going to be of the same quality as an $80 shoe by a solid orthopedic company. Expensive (outside of the fashion craze- I will never forgive fashion for those disgusting Uggs shoes) does mean better as far as footwear is concerned.

A few months ago in March or so I bought a pair of Clarks shoes, as seen in screenshot:

At the time I had found another (girlier) pair that I wanted just as bad, but definitely couldn't afford- so I remembered the name and style and waited around for the money to come. The other pair I wanted are below:

This week my grandmother, the original instigator of Clarks-love in my family (my mom has two or three pairs too, hers are the Birkenstock-looking style) found out I was wanting a pair and send the money my way to get these wonderful orthopedic shoes, which I did today.

I will admit with only mild shame that I get really sweaty stinky feet if I don't wear socks, and the Un.Examine shoes are meant to be worn barefoot. They've got a ton of ventilation, it turns out, and I've had them on for several hours now without even the slightest moisture. Finally, I can wear a shoe without a sock or clouds of stink when I take them off!

So even though the price is fairly staggering, I highly recommend Clarks shoes for the structure (proper support and arch and such), styles, and durability- my mom's Clarks shoes that I mentioned above? Yeah, she got them five years ago. She wears them to work every day (teaching all day at a community college). They're not even close to wearing out yet. So if you do the math, buying two or three pairs of cheap shoes one after the other for $25-$30 each in a five year period, versus paying $100 for a pair that lasts the same five year period and is more comfortable anyway, it makes sense. (or maybe it's just me because I hate shoe shopping and it takes forever.)

Here are my legs enjoying my new shoes:

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