First off, the doctors appointment went well. There is a chance I have some nerve damage, but he hasn't said for sure since generally nerves are slow to heal and it may still go away. As it is, there is a numb spot about 3/4 in. high and 1 1/2 in. across on my foot, but since it isn't on the main nerve right below the spot, no one's very concerned. Neither am I, to be honest. I've kind of gotten used to it. Also, I am done with physical therapy! 5 hours of my week is back and can now be spent studying for the GRE and doing my grad school applications.
Also, this morning and tomorrow morning I went/will be going to the balloon fiesta! The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is the largest in the world, and has around 800 hot air balloons and over 100,000 visitors from all over the planet!
Here is my bad stitched panoramic photo of some of the balloons (my camera offered the feature when it was brand new and not meant to be used, so it's not very good).
My mom's favorite- this year they surprised us with a third bee. Normally the red and blue ones kiss and hold hands while they take off. This year momma bee and baby bee hugged. TOO CUTE!
And the internationally famous Darth Vader balloons! These guys come here from Belgium every year for this.
I also got my photo with a storm trooper!
My initial concern had been that I wouldn't be able to be on my feet at all long enough for the fiesta, let alone on the grassy turf of the field, but it turns out that it wasn't a problem at all for the first few hours due to the reinforced ankle brace from CMV that I had on. I'm a little sore now, but not much. So tomorrow morning I'm back up and out the door at 4:30 a.m. for more of this- and I'm getting a t-shirt too!